Southern Michigan
550 E. Main Street
Hudson, Michigan 49247
Office 517.448.1413
Fax 517.448.1414

Drew Gambill - Coordinator
Hudson Early Middle College
550 E. Main St. Hudson, MI 49247
517-448-1413 ext. 461
Our mission is to provide an opportunity for all of our learners
to recognize that post-secondary education and employment are a reality.

Learners who choose the Hudson Early Middle College are enrolled in a 5-year program. They take college classes during their 11th and 12th grade year and in their 13th year attend college full time. Learners in this program will graduate with a Hudson High School Diploma, a Michigan Early Middle College Association Certificate and the opportunity to obtain a trade certification, up to 60 college credits, or an associate's degree.
The Hudson Early Middle College is a program for Hudson High School Learners offered in conjunction with Jackson College. Open to current freshmen or sophomores, the program provides the opportunity to begin taking college-level courses at Jackson College or work towards a trade certification while still in high school. Learners enrolled in the Hudson Early Middle College will have access to all Hudson Area School athletics and curricular activities.
The program is designed to bridge the gap between high school and college, and provide learners with multiple paths to post-secondary education. In addition to the many academic offerings, the Hudson Early Middle College helps to develop the soft skills required to meet the demands of post-secondary life.
In Hudson, only about 20% of high school graduates complete the requirements to earn either an associate (2-year) or bachelor’s (4-year) degree as late as six years after high school. Too many students are missing out on the benefits associated with attending college or trade school and completing a degree.
Reasons for not enrolling or completing college include:
- Unfamiliarity with college-going processes, such as applying for admission and financial aid, choosing and registering for classes, and developing and following a program of study that leads to a degree.
- Lack of knowledge, skills, and strategies required for success in college. These are not necessarily the same knowledge, skills, and strategies that lead to success in high school.
- Lack of academic, family, and peer support; especially if students move away to college.
- Lack of money and/or awareness of the financial aid that may be available.
Middle colleges minimize or eliminate the reasons that limit success in college by working closely with students as they make a gradual transition from high school to college.
Goals of the Hudson Early Middle College:
- Increase the number of Hudson Area Schools students enrolling in college or trade school
- Increase the number of students completing college with either an associate or bachelor’s degree
- Reduce the financial burden on families sending students to college
- Expand the traditional view of high school and increase opportunities based on interest, talents, and ability
- Provide an opportunity for students to engage in early experiences with college in a supportive setting
Program Design
Students in the Hudson Early Middle College gradually transition to full time college over the course of 3-4 years; from 10th grade through their scholarship year (grade 13). They continue to complete their high school graduation requirements, while building a college transcript at Jackson College that can result in an associate degree and up to 60 transferable credits by the end of scholarship year. The cost of the college courses, including textbooks, is paid for by the middle college.
The Hudson Early Middle College is designed to be flexible. Students are free to pursue their individual academic goals and interests within a structure of support and guidance provided by Middle College Coordinator and Career Navigator at Jackson College. The ability of students to begin clarifying and realizing their academic and career goals is exciting and motivating and helps them meet the increased challenges of college coursework.
Transitioning to College
Here is a general look at the transition a Hudson Early Middle College student makes from high school to college during the three years they are in the program. Most students enter the middle college at the beginning of their junior year in high school. Their remaining high school classes are taken at Hudson High School.
Junior Year
Fall semester: Students take 6 high school courses and 1 college courses (3 credits).
Winter semester: Students take 4 high school courses and 2 college courses (6-8 credits).
Senior Year
Fall semester: Students take 3 high school courses and 3 college courses (9-12 credits)
Winter semester: Students take 3 high school courses and 3 college courses (9-12 credits)
Scholarship Year (13th Year)
Fall semester: Students take 14 – 16 credits (4-5 college courses)
Winter semester: Students take 14 – 16 credits (4-5 college courses)
Benefits of Enrolling in the Hudson Early Middle College
Students choosing to enroll in the Hudson Early Middle College can expect to take advantage of the following opportunities:
- Students begin college early with supports that will help them succeed.
- The cost of tuition, fees, textbooks and other required learning materials for courses at Jackson College are covered by the middle college.
- Just one year after their traditional high school graduation date, students can earn two years’ worth of college credits. They can then go on to earn a bachelor’s degree in only two additional years.
- Spending only two years at a four year college or university will result in saving tens of thousands of dollars for the student and his or her family.
- Support is provided to students in many ways as they face the new challenges of college coursework and navigating the college environment.
- Students are excited about school, because they have greater choice in their coursework and are taking a big step closer to their academic and career future.
Considerations for Students and Parents
Middle college students are putting one foot into the college environment while keeping the other planted in high school. This is one of the benefits of the program, but it also means that things will be different for Hudson Early Middle College students than students in high school full time. Before deciding whether or not to enroll in the Hudson Early Middle College students and parents should consider the following:
- Hudson Early Middle College students do not receive their high school diploma until the end of their scholarship year (year 13).
- Students must follow both the Jackson College class schedule and calendar for their college courses and the high school schedule and calendar for their high school courses. Note: There are differences in start and end dates and spring vacation dates.
- Students will likely need to take one or more of their college courses outside of traditional high school day schedule.
- Students are required to attend a one-day orientation at Jackson College in August.
- Hudson Early Middle College students will be in regular Jackson College classes open to all Jackson College students. - Discussions, assignments, and research requirements are at the discretion of the college instructor and may include adult or controversial subjects.
- Students must provide their own transportation to and from Jackson College.
Can I do the work? Two key factors to consider
There are no minimum grade or assessment criteria that must be met to be accepted into the Hudson Early Middle College. However, not all students are ready for college level work and the increased level of responsibility and freedom that comes with college courses.
Hudson Early Middle College coordinator will meet individually with all students who apply along with at least one parent or guardian. We will discuss the student’s grade and assessment history as it relates to the student’s readiness for the program.
- Grade point average is one indicator of the strength of a student’s study skills and work habits. A 2.75 or higher high school grade point average indicates a student should be capable of introductory college level coursework.
- Some characteristics that will lead to success or failure are not easily measured. A willingness to work hard and seek help when needed can offset academic struggles in particular areas. In contrast, a student who has normally earned A’s with very little work may struggle in college courses.
Ultimately, the decision to enroll in the middle college is up to a well-informed student and his or her parents or guardians.
Support for Students
Probably the most important benefit to students enrolled in middle colleges is the support they receive as they begin college coursework and transition to full time college students. The types of support provided to Hudson Early Middle College students include the following:
- Dedicated person whose main responsibility is working with the middle college stude
- Bi-Weekly meetings with Mr. Reed to discuss topics that will lead to student’s success. Topics include:
- Note-taking strategies
- Organizing information from textbooks, lecture notes, and other resources into meaningful study materials
- Studying strategies
- Helping with high school schedule
- Learning how to register for Jackson College courses
- Assisting the Center Coordinator at JC @ LISD with planning a program of study that leads to a degree and successful credit transfer
- Preparing for college applications and paying for college in the future
- Connecting students to the many support centers and resources for students at Jackson College
- Development of a supportive face-to-face and online network of middle college classmates.
- Partnering with parents as students design and work to complete their plans of study.
- Home support: Parents, siblings, and relatives provide an excellent support network that is not present when students go away to college right after high school.
The High School and College Curricula
The Hudson Early Middle College curriculum meets all requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum as well as allowing students to earn a college associate degree, two years’ worth of transferable college credits, including fulfillment of the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) requirements, and/or certification from employment from its higher education partner, Jackson College. The combined high school – college curriculum meets or exceeds all High School Content Expectations.
Students must be in full time attendance based on a combination of high school and college courses. Full time attendance for students taking only college courses (Year 13) requires taking 12 or more college credit hours each semester.
2024-2025 Enrollment Process
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year begins in March 2024. All students who will be in grades 9-11 in the fall of 2024 are eligible to enroll. There are two steps to the process. They are outlined below:
1. Apply to the Hudson Early Middle College
The Hudson Early Middle College application will be available at the information sessions, Parent Teacher conferences, HS 101 and will be posted on the middle college website (
Interested students should submit a completed application.
Mail applications to:
Hudson Early Middle College
550 E. Main Street
Hudson, MI 49247
Drop off applications at the CSI Building in Hudson at the main office located in the front of the building.
2. Student and parent/guardian meet with HEMC coordinator
Each student who submits an application will be scheduled for an interview with the Hudson Early Middle College coordinator. The goal of this interview is to make sure the student and his/her parent or guardian are clear about what it will mean if the student enrolls in middle college. We discuss the student’s academic and career goals, extra-curricular activities, and academic achievement. We discuss the challenges students face by taking college classes as well as the many new opportunities the middle college provides. We want to be sure that students and parents have as much information as possible before making the decision to enroll in the Hudson Early Middle College.